TOP 10 RC Tanks for Sale. A-10 Warthog VS Tank - Epic Airsoft Battle

TOP 10 RC Tanks for Sale. A-10 Warthog  VS  Tank - Epic Airsoft Battle
Item# TOP-10-RC-Tanks-for-Sale-Best-RC-Tanks-for-Sale-Radio-Control-Tanks-Scale-Model-227
Regular price: $9.90
Sale price: $9.80
Availability: Usually ships in 2-3 business days
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Product Description

A-10 Warthog VS Tank - Epic Airsoft Battle. (TOP 10 RC Tanks for Sale, Best RC Tanks for Sale, Radio Control Tanks Scale Model)

All RC Tanks on Earth (Full Series)

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Music by: David Cutter Music -
Holy cow I smiled the whole time. The cockpit cam seeing the tracers through the HUD was 100% my favorite part.
Imagine a professional air soft fight when you can call air and tank support
I wanna see those planes in an actual air soft gun fight
"Tank looks like combination of 1-Turret :Ariete 2-Front armor: T-34 3-Back armor*engine*:T-55
" "¡°You have a hole in your wing!¡± War thunder: aggressive plane exploding noises FliteTest: Tis¡¯ but a scratch
" Just imagine controlling a drone and saving your team from a squad with an A10 warthog that would be cool
Can you imagine being in an airsoft battle and calling in air-support?? Epic.
"That crash broke my heart. I¡¯ve been flying for years, and it never gets any easier to see a plane in pieces. Especially, when it¡¯s your own.

I¡¯m new to the channel and I¡¯ve just subscribed. You guys are having way too much fun!!!
" "Saw this a year or more ago and just came up in my feed again.

Never gave you guys your proper respect though.

You guys are pretty awesome making the dream come to life the way you've done in this video. Its people like you makes the world a cool place to live in. Was major fun watching this happen.

" What a very cool and awesome display of fun. You guys rock for sure.
Having thought about this for almost a year... I wanted to add a second comment. Those airsoft guns you had are likely on the weak side and COULD be upgraded. Gas guns would pack even more punch and they offer heavy weight BBs for people who want to shoot farther etc. If this had been repeated with something heavier (in terms of energy output, not weight) I think that the tank would have taken real damage and from the ground you could have likely cut that airplane in half with some of rates of fire I've seen airsoft guns achieve. This is a 100% viable idea for adding to an airsoft game aside from the minor (major) safety issue of crashes etc... but I'd sign a consent form or whatever I needed to because that's too rad to pass up. Even without it firing on you just trying to shoot one down would be cool to try... obviously with a gun capable of doing enough damage fast enough to the aircraft (my M4 clone with a lipo might hack it, but I feel the RoF is lacking)
Not a RC guy, but love these vids - keep up the awesome work!
Imagine doing an airsoft mission with air support like this. That would be pretty awsome.
This was Absolutely Awesome, guys ! ! ! You really outdid yourselves on this one ! ! ! ! I LOVED IT ! ! ! I would love to come and "Work" with you guys ! ! ! The math formulas, geometry, physics, practicality would be so overwhelming! But, I'll just sit and watch from my recliner. I miss out on a lot, but I get to reap the rewards :D :D :D Thank you for all you do, guys!
"Not sure how I ended up here, but THIS. WAS. AWESOME. Disclaimer: I may binge watch your channel over the next week.
" This is by far my favorite build y¡¯all have done. Looks like is flys like a dream.
The A-10 is designed to be very nose heavy. Outside of you guys improving the trust that would probably also explain the improved handling.
The glowing tracers were genius, great job guys!
You guys appear to be having an unreasonably good time doing what you do. Fortunately for us, it's almost as insanely entertaining to watch you do it.
Awesome build guys! That's was really fun to watch
FPV Dog fight next time? Wow you guys bought a whole golf course? you can literally start DRL there now
The tracer pellet round shooting in a dark sky in an RC Warthog is the coolest thing I¡¯ve seen so far
Loved this thanks guys, someones probably mentioned it already but the real A-10's gun is aimed below its flight level so they can keep on target for longer. Firing straight made your job all that harder and all the more impressive flying.
"Imagine you¡¯re in an air soft match and you hear ¡°Enemy spy plane in your AO¡±
" Hey I saw this on my recommended and I watched it it was absolutely amazing and congrats you earned a new subscriber definitely looking forward for more
That looked amazing, especially with tracers,liked and subscribed.
Oh, I disagree. This was not a waste of time. This was amazing to watch. I can't imagine the adrenaline rush actually doing it. Well thought out. Expertly executed. Thank you for the inspiration. The A-10 is an amazing platform in real life. While I regret it wasn't actually powered as you guys originally rigged it, It was jaw dropping to watch. The A-10 flies over my home, as I live close to an air force base. I can not lie, that I smile watching them fly past.
"when he says: ""My battery is dead""

I thought he will do a pro gamer move called:

" "Impressive build!

Special kudos to the camera-drone pilot!
" Now imagine the magnitude of awesomeness if we added just a few more of these amazing creations...
This is still one of the best FliteTest projects. What I really want to see now is the giant AC-130 fitted with a FPV gimbal turret controlled by a second person. eh...? Josh...?
In reality "The WARTHOG" can actually the same type of flight system as the older and much less long-distance capable aircraft, after losing an engine the pilot simply switches over to it's redundant "fly-by-wire" manual flight control system, in addition it's also much fighter-bomber military aircraft, since it's basically a multipurpose, blank slate with only one feature that Can't be changed!(?¡ö-¡ö): It's rotary barrel, gatling machine gun that quite literally shoves said aircraft back into a near-stall whenever it's fired, while powered by it's own engines!
Since you guys seem to be getting more and more into logistically complex challenges, I have one for you: a space shuttle. team up with your model rocket guy, get a dimensionally accurate shuttle into the sky, detach the tank and boosters, and glide the shuttle down.
The problem with having the gun lay flat is that when its like that the bbs drop faster than normal due to the rifling system
I love Flitetest and I wish I could get into the hobby to do this crazy stuff
It would be pretty cool if there was airsoft fights with airsoft and there would be monitor rooms that look like plane cabins and sensors in the plane that calculate damage
7:14 I wouldn¡¯t be able to get the plane back up in 30 minutes in that condition, good job.
They even did the interior, that's absolutely stunning
I think a mini version of the A-10 would be a great idea! I would buy it.
Makes me think of the drones used in war. Nice work!
imagine peopel yelling "A-10 incoming!" in an airsoft field
I am so glad to see you guys work with an airsoft enthusiast
What a bunch of awesomely grown kids! I absolutely enjoyed this!
Genios!!!!! Que lindo poder divertirse como ustedes los felicito saludos desde Argentina
Impressive. I really enjoyed seeing the A-10 fly. Okay, the guns were fun too.
Imagine his in an airsoft fight, but there's also a loud speaker inside the plane so when it goes overhead, the people flying it can play the BRRRRT sound. That would be fantastic. I saw the video long ago, and it still brings a smile to my face.
Okay for real now, RC airsoft dogfights have to become a a thing now.
These are one of the best videos I¡¯ve ever seen keep the good work up
"you are in a large-scale airsoft battle, meant to last more than 8 hours and has more than 15 objectives for each side to complete before they can win the game.

it's about halfway through already, and you've just taken the 7th or 8th objective. as you group back up with everyone else, you hear it: the sound of an rc plane.

you immediately think of those rare but annoying people that bring rc vehicles to events like this, but this time, it's different.

the buzz of the rudder is different. louder. bassier. almost like the thing flying around is about 10 times the size of a normal rc drone.

as you scan the skies to shoot the drone down, the noon sunlight hits your eye and you can't make out what is above you. but your sniper in the building over can.

they shout, giving you enough time to find cover underneath the objective tent before you hear it.


this event just got a little more interesting.
" The combination of the angled parts of the tank and the distance where it was shot is likely why not many went through (Just my guess)
I¡¯m just gonna point out that everybody maintained trigger control. Props.
"""A-10 is Ground Unit's best friend"" M1A2 Abrams: ""Wow.""
" It's videos like this that made me fall in love with FliteTest and inspired me to get into this hobby. I've been a loyal fan since you debuted the Helicarrier. Truly amazing work, guys! This video was well worth all the time and effort you put into it!
imagine chilling and having fun with your buddies in the airsoft field and suddenly you see an A10 flying at you
i think that since the warthog has enough flight power, you could add some landing gear to help avoid damaging the props
That is awesome, guys! But... I want to see the A-10's best move - climb high and dive straight-down on a tank, unleashing that terrible/amazing gun then pulling out and climb for another attack.
Your work is awesome, you guys are so great. Greetings from Mexico.
Josh flew that RC plane very well and all of you guys had me laughing so hard that I almost urinated on myself lol I don't have any types of RC plane's or RV's but I've always wanted to try flying or driving one but my money was funny and I couldn't afford it . But now maybe seeing you build one maybe now I'll be able to do one too . Thank you for being so awesome
Imagine playing a game of airsoft and seeing one of these take off and come after you. I wanna see this used in game
can you imagine them using these in a real airsoft fight?
Imagine being in a real Airsoft match and you hear gun fire only to look up and see that plane heading towards you.
Extreme flying skills, very cool
This is legitimately incredible! Fantastic work, guys!
"Looks like war thunder Mission: Destroy enemy land vehicles
" The design of the A-10 translates and performs perfectly.
Epic piloting skills. This needs a redo with a VR.
"Normal people: Man, I need to go find a place to fly my plane.

FliteTest: We bought a golf course.
" "Its amazing!!!!, very nice!!! What type of panels are used to build the external structure?please!
" By far the coolest radio rc footage I've ever seen . Bravo .
I now realize how little of a chance this tank had
too cool...would really enjoy having one of these
imagine seeing a flying a-10 on an airsoft battle
My dream as a kid has been realized.... I legit was smiling during the fighting and pov shots. Literally had daydreams of this as a kid
"This has been the best video of yours I have watched. As for the should have tested the firing angle. Then mount a vr camera with a see through crosshair so you can see where you are aiming and hitting.
" For your next trick, add dive brakes to the A10, you'll have a nice steep angle and it will make it dead easy to hit the tank :-)
I now wanna see real war done like this. Especially after in future videos they make more tanks and even a battleship.
Great job guys! Doing what every man child wants to do lol
it's awesome to imagine how that can fly.
Imagine pro air softers seeing this and running
I absolutely love how the guy just BARELY misses the tank several times, pulled up twice (which literally almost crashes into the tank), the final time... ho-lee crap.
If I had the money, I would definitely try this at home.
If you want to build a correct A-10 you have to build a big gun first and then design the plane around it.
"meanwhile in round 2 : a 10 : is getting hit too much tank crew : cheers up a 10 : goes full japan mode and crashes in tank
" I¡¯m pretty this is my favorite flite test video. I must watch this video a couple times a year. The A10 is my favorite plane and, maybe, someday I will get the courage to buy and fly one. I¡¯m a terrible pilot so I¡¯ll stick to my cheaper builds until I build the confidence to buy one.
I dont see why we cant use this in an airsoft game, I mean, IT WOULD BE SO FUN!!
I¡¯m going to attempt to create my own A-10. It would be perfect for an Airsoft field near me.
These are the guys who, as children, turned mechanical pencils into guns.
I can¡¯t stop watching this. I love it. I think your hits would be easier from a steep dive from above.
7:13 "oh we'll have it back in the air in about 30 minutes" you guys are great:)
Definitely trying this at home. Innovation comes by trial and error right? ;)
WOW! If there are RC tanks that shoot BBs, someday there will be an A10 to challenge them in the field...
"¡°Don¡¯t do this at home¡± Yea ofc not I¡¯d go to an airsoft field and wreck some kids with my TM 5.1 high-capa and novritsch ssg24
" This was the coolest youtube video Ive seen in a while, I didn't think it was going to be this good... Great job guys thanks for the great vids!
I actually clapped upon landing the plane. damn awesome guys!
Wow! Super cool! Great imagination and hard work.
Real unfortunate that the motors weren't where the engines normally mount. Real good looking plane though!
Love the disclaimers for every single thing and action. Seems like a real land of the free .
You guys should make online tutorials on how to make these there so cool!
That was insanely incredibly awesome great work on the A-10. I¡¯m pretty sure this is my favorite vid on Flite Test, you guys never cease to amaze me. Incredible work as always hope we see some more epic planes and stuff like this.
Great video, good team. Awesome part is the crash, no one pointing finger instead build another right after, good spirit.