TOP 10 RC Tanks for Sale. Goliath RC Tank on Utah Beach - Last Remote Mine on D-Day.

TOP 10 RC Tanks for Sale. Goliath RC Tank on Utah Beach - Last Remote Mine on D-Day.
Item# TOP-10-RC-Tanks-for-Sale-Best-RC-Tanks-for-Sale-Radio-Control-Tanks-Scale-Model-229
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Product Description

Goliath RC Tank on Utah Beach - Last Remote Mine on D-Day.. (TOP 10 RC Tanks for Sale, Best RC Tanks for Sale, Radio Control Tanks Scale Model)

All RC Tanks on Earth (Full Series)

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Goliath RC Tank on Utah Beach - D-Day Last Remote Mine.

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¡ö Information obtained from several sites. ¡ö Wikipedia ¡ö tanks-encyclopedia ¡ö ¡ö preservedtanks ¡ö ¡ö

¡ö Some music is from the YouTube Audio Library.

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Entertaining and informative. The Germans had some great ideas that just did not translate into workable weapons. I am amazed the Germans made so many Goliaths considering they were operational failures. Maybe because they were fun to play with .
There is a firsthand report in the book D-Day Through German Eyes from an engineer tasked with deploying Goliaths on the beach. He discusses that in part the artillery bombardments had knocked most of his out of commission. It is an interesting firsthand report of how the German's intended their deployment.
"Thanks. That was interesting. I can see how this was one more thing the Germans committed to combat - that wasn't ready. It was to fragile to work properly if banged around. .
" "Great video. Imagine if the Jerries had Developed R.C. that we have now. That would've been a Much more Disturbing Device during WW2. Thx for your Efforts in Making this Video. Cheers kim in Oz.
" Thank you for the video. A nice presentation of this uniqe and rare weapon now days. Even though it was 12 years ago I'll never forget the opportunity I had to get to play around with one I didn't realize how influential they were to the RC world
Goliaths are just the cutest weapons ever made. From the first time I laid eyes on one I thought it was great.
Again a very good video/footage on the Goliath Leichter Ladungstr?ger?a name given to the two unmanned disposable demolition vehicles, one is the the electrically powered?Sd.Kfz. 302?and the petrol-engine powered?Sd.Kfz. 303a?and?303b.?Both carried the 60kg high explosive and I believe that the 303b carried 100kg of high explosive. The early Sd.Kfz 302 used two electric motors but, they were costly to make (3,000?Reichsmarks) and difficult to repair in a combat environment with lack of technicians so later models, the Sd.Kfz was fitted with the Z¨¹ndapp SZ7 / 2-cylinder 12.5?hp?basically a more powerful and reliable gasoline engine. But a dumb question is how it was steered with the single engine? Anyway according to Walter J. Spielberg with his book "Special Panzer Variants" it was built much more than the electrically powered Goliath. Basically it was unreliable with a fragile electric box but when it worked it did considerable damage! BTW I never saw the Sd.Kfz 303!! Thanks for sharing
Thank you Panzer Picture . There is an account of the use of a Goliath In Paris which is a different environment than Utah Beach , 50 kg Charge . Page 152 Title is The Liberation of Paris , 2019 Jean Edward Smith is the Canadian Author . At The Grand Palais a German armored Unit was Passing thru the City on August 23rd taking advantage of the Truce . One German Soldier was killed when fired on by Paris Police and they responded Immediately . It was one of the largest Buildings in Paris and also housed the 8th Arrondissement of the Police . " They Launched 2 Goliaths ....... When they exploded the explosions were so great that Buildings shook for blocks around...... There was a Swedish Circus underway at the Palais and the Lions , Tigers and Horses bolted for Freedom , as did a collection of Prostitutes imprisoned in the Palais by the Police " . It goes on to say there was a Fire and the Building was a burnt Shell when it was over. There was no mention of whether or not the Girls had any Popcorn or Peanuts ?
Very interesting video. It`s a pity there is not more information out there as I find these little things quite fascinating.
Excellent video. Keep up the great work.
Thank you. Really well presented.
"Great doc. I saw a brand new one (Dunkelgelb paint) at the museum of the military school. We used explosives, let me tell you 50Kg of TNT won't fit inside, it's all progaganda. That's more around 5Kg. A big bomb which could turn a heavy tank upside down or blow its track and kill everyone in a radius of 50 meters around. 250 grams will erase someone completely, imagine 5Kg.
" I just been there , visited Normandy and saw a real one in one of the many museums
Great video on the little known "Goliath".
outstanding video on poor utilization of a sound idea..... much like their towable fuel trailer for aircraft.
Great video. Thank you.
"Laatst boek over de Ferdinant gelezen, daar ging het ook over de radio bestuurbare tanks. Daarin stond dat ze hoofdzakelijk waren om door mijnenvelden te rijden en ze dan via een explosie een doorgang te cre?ren. En voor dit werk waren ze wel degelijk van grote waarden. Niet gemaakt voor tanks aan te vallen of dat soort.
" The audio book. D day the German perspective gives an firsthand account of an German soldier who used the goliath in battle on d day
Grappige wagentje. Wsl zijn de meeste gelijk gesloopt
I dream to have an Goliath.
Very nice video!!
Two problems doomed the project. Poorly thought out tactics/deployment, and design/construction.
@ 7:02 ~ "Pouppeville"? lol... Seriously though, an excellent, clever and rather innovative 'comedumentary'; (Comedy/Documentary) So innovative in fact that you have a New Subscriber!
Good interesting video mate.
Thank you sir
That's cool ..
Radio control .... that is interesting
Where can I buy one? Just want to use it next time my mother -in-law coming up my driveway.
It's a crude robot.
