TOP 10 RC Tanks for Sale. How I built this Fully Metal Leopard RC Tank - Build Log

TOP 10 RC Tanks for Sale. How I built this Fully Metal Leopard RC Tank - Build Log
Item# TOP-10-RC-Tanks-for-Sale-Best-RC-Tanks-for-Sale-Radio-Control-Tanks-Scale-Model-287
Regular price: $9.90
Sale price: $9.80
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Product Description

How I built this Fully Metal Leopard RC Tank - Build Log. (TOP 10 RC Tanks for Sale, Best RC Tanks for Sale, Radio Control Tanks Scale Model)

All RC Tanks on Earth (Full Series)

Online social commentary (media commentary):

Build Log video and how I built this awesome fully metal Leopard 2A6 1/16th scale RC Tank with CLARK TK60SG2 board.

specs: all metal: -lower hull -roadwheels -torsion suspension -suspension arms -tracks -sprockets and idler wheels -550 motor and steel gearbox -upper hull -turret -360 turret ring -recoil and elevation -all details

-TK60SG2 board with GBS -LED flash strobe -PIRANHA IR battle system -30W Visaton speaker in custom enclosure -NATO flashing beacon -TARR Mk1 smoke unit -4x 10A 12x 2A slipring -laser pointer -LED on/off switch
To see a real enthusiast putting together these scale marvels is a privilege, as we know you take real pride and skill in their creation. Great work!.
What a wonderful tank! Congrats
Looks sweet. You definitely one of better guys out here and love your videos and how you explain things. Well done.
Awesome tank, full metal tanks are closer to the realism..
Awesome job and you make it look so easy!!
I love your craftsmanship it's incredible and your attention to detail is excellent
"Outstanding!!, I have Torro metal edition with tarr IBU2U and a load of other upgrades. But this Leopard is next level stuff. Is the tank itself DKLM?
" Hi Stanlley! Can i make a video request? I wonder if you can make a tutorial video on setting the right track tension? Thanks.
Excellent video. I'm a bit jealous of this all metal Leopard to be honest. They're not cheap. You should consider upgrade the turret rotation mechanism to a 360 degree servo. Servos are much more precise and spins faster. The gyro will be able to do a better job at stabilizing the turret. I did this upgrade to my Tamiya Leopard 2A6 and it does wonders.
How much do you charge for a setup like this (with stabilization and prebuilt)? Is it just the one listed on your site?
Wowww!!... Spettacolare!!!... Molto realistico!!!... Ma dove si acquista il modello full metal???... Bravo complimenti!!!
"FANTASTIC WORKMANSHIP STAN!! I would like to see if it would be possible to get this build for me??. Everything except the NATO flashing light. You always do great work, but since lve left the military, lve been having surgerys over the past few years. So if you would be willing to do this exact build again, l would like to purchase this item. Thank you. Aussie Scott.
" Nice ! Can the metal upper hull be bought individually somewhere ?
This is what I'm talkin' about!
Can you do a video on how to make to 2Plane stabilizer for the gun using ESP8266 that has automatic target leading system??
Very cool !!!have gbs system IR system barrel auto pistol
"Cool stuff, Stanlley!

Will you be painting this one, bro? Liew
" How much for the tank?